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view of the banner advertising the upcming olympic and paralympic winter games - milano cortina 2026, in cortina d'ampezzo, italy, on february 4,... - 2026 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:082026 Winter Olympics Venues - Cortina d'Ampezzo
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new year's eve fireworks show explosion display sky night - 2026 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:28New year's eve fireworks show Explosion display sky night
in an aerial view the work on the new bobsleigh track to be ready for the milan cortina 2026 olympic games on april 29, 2024 in cortina d'ampezzo,... - 2026 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:19Milano Cortina 2026 Olympic Winter Games - Previews
octavian morariu president of the 2026 olympic winter games evaluation commission expresses his satisfaction after a visit to the sites in milan and... - 2026 stock videos & royalty-free footage03:35CLEAN : IOC visits San Siro a Milan 2026 Winter Olympics venue
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firework display outdoors. vertical. - 2026 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:25Firework display outdoors. Vertical.
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in an aerial view the work on the new bobsleigh track to be ready for the milan cortina 2026 olympic games on april 29, 2024 in cortina d'ampezzo,... - 2026 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:21Milano Cortina 2026 Olympic Winter Games - Previews
in an aerial view the work on the new bobsleigh track to be ready for the milan cortina 2026 olympic games on april 29, 2024 in cortina d'ampezzo,... - 2026 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:39Milano Cortina 2026 Olympic Winter Games - Previews
men work on the construction site for the new bobsleigh track for the 2026 milan cortina winter olympics on march 15, 2024 in cortina d'ampezzo,... - 2026 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:10Demolition Begins On Old Track To Make Way For Milan Cortina 2026 Sliding Centre
the ronco forest where the new bobsleigh track will be built for the milan cortina 2026 olympic games on march 15, 2024 in cortina d'ampezzo, italy. - 2026 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:17Demolition Begins On Old Track To Make Way For Milan Cortina 2026 Sliding Centre
road sign indicates the direction where the new bobsleigh track will be built for the 2026 milan cortina winter olympics on march 15, 2024 in cortina... - 2026 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:14Demolition Begins On Old Track To Make Way For Milan Cortina 2026 Sliding Centre
hundreds of people rallied in milan to stage a protest against the organization of the milan-cortina 2026 winter paralympics. demonstrators voiced... - 2026 stock videos & royalty-free footage03:01Milan residents rally against construction for 2026 Winter Paralympics
new year 2026 countdown red colored abstract animation - 2026 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:16New Year 2026 Countdown Red Colored Abstract Animation
support for italy's bid to host the 2026 winter olympics in milan and cortina d'ampezzo has grown with 83 percent of italians now backing the project... - 2026 stock videos & royalty-free footage03:13CLEAN : IOC says 83% of Italians support 2026 Winter Games
although the us failed to qualify for this year's world cup american cities like washington are pouring more and more resources into their soccer... - 2026 stock videos & royalty-free footage02:10VOICED : Eight years out from WC 2026 US puts soccer in spotlight
although the us failed to qualify for this year's world cup american cities like washington are pouring more and more resources into their soccer... - 2026 stock videos & royalty-free footage04:45CLEAN : Eight years out from WC 2026 US puts soccer in spotlight
aficionados en ciudad de mexico y nueva york festejaron el miercoles la asignacion del mundial de 2026 a la candidatura conjunta de mexico estados... - 2026 stock videos & royalty-free footage01:28VOICED : Mexico Canada y Estados Unidos celebran por Mundial de 2026
rodrigo prego and his family shop at the soccer locker store for german soccer team items as they prepare to show their support for their favorite... - 2026 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:06On Eve Of World Cup Kickoff In Russia, FIFA Announces North America Will Host The Tournament In 2026
team usa jerseys are seen as the world cup tournament being held in russia is set to kickoff on june 13, 2018 in miami, florida. as the world... - 2026 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:11On Eve Of World Cup Kickoff In Russia, FIFA Announces North America Will Host The Tournament In 2026
team usa jerseys are seen as the world cup tournament being held in russia is set to kickoff on june 13, 2018 in miami, florida. as the world... - 2026 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:10On Eve Of World Cup Kickoff In Russia, FIFA Announces North America Will Host The Tournament In 2026
matthias meyer, mia meyer and their mother vanessa meyer shop at the soccer locker store for german soccer team items as they prepare to show their... - 2026 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:18On Eve Of World Cup Kickoff In Russia, FIFA Announces North America Will Host The Tournament In 2026
mexicans react to the announcement of joint hosting duties with the us and canada for the world cup 2026 - 2026 stock videos & royalty-free footage01:44CLEAN : Mexicans react to World Cup 2026
moroccans in rabat react to losing the world cup 2026 bid - 2026 stock videos & royalty-free footage02:16CLEAN : Moroccans react to losing WC2026 bid
america del norte por un lado africa por el otro - 2026 stock videos & royalty-free footage01:12VOICED : A horas del inicio de Rusia 2018 se define sede de Mundial 2026
members will decide soon whether the 2026 world cup should be played in north america or return to africa for just the second time in morocco - 2026 stock videos & royalty-free footage04:14CLEAN : FILE: USA/Canada/Mexico in bid for 2026 World Cup
carlos cordeiro, chairman of the north american 2026 world cup bid, saying he hopes their bid is analysed "not in a geopolitical context, but what's... - 2026 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:06Carlos Cordeiro, Chairman of the North American 2026 World Cup bid, saying he hopes their bid is analysed "not in a geopolitical context, but what's in the best interests for football"
hicham el amrani, chief executive of the morocco 2026 world cup bid, saying the tournament is "a celebration of the gathering of people" and that he... - 2026 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:07Hicham El Amrani, Chief Executive of the Morocco 2026 World Cup bid, saying the tournament is "a celebration of the gathering of people" and that he wants "the world to come to Morocco"
la fifa publico el lunes los dossieres de las dos candidaturas a la organizacion del mundial 2026 marruecos por un lado y por el otro estados unidos... - 2026 stock videos & royalty-free footage01:23VOICED : FIFA publica candidaturas al Mundial-2026 eleccion en junio
the whole of morocco is mobilized for the kingdom's world cup 2026 candidacy the bidding committee announced tuesday in casablanca emphasizing its... - 2026 stock videos & royalty-free footage01:52CLEAN : World Cup 2026: Morocco mobilized for its African candidacy
flying through star fields in space - 2026 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:40Flying Through Star Fields In Space
medium angle moving pov from drivers side of car on freeway. see mural on wall of freeway of marathon runners. see fence on freeway divider in foreground. see traffic going opposite direction on freeway. - 2026 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:36MEDIUM ANGLE MOVING POV FROM DRIVERS SIDE OF CAR ON FREEWAY. SEE MURAL ON WALL OF FREEWAY OF MARATHON RUNNERS. SEE FENCE ON FREEWAY DIVIDER IN FOREGROUND. SEE TRAFFIC GOING OPPOSITE DIRECTION ON FREEWAY.
el candidato presidencial sebastian pinera favorito para la eleccion del 19 de noviembre en chile presento el lunes su programa de gobierno con un... - 2026 stock videos & royalty-free footage01:12VOICED : Pinera quiere convertir a Chile en pais desarrollado para 2026
nasser al khelaifi presidente de bein media y del paris saint-germain declaro el jueves ante la justicia suiza que lo investiga junto a jerome valcke... - 2026 stock videos & royalty-free footage01:13VOICED : Nasser Al Khelaifi dio explicaciones ante la justicia suiza
senate majority leader mitch mcconnell tells reporters at a regular weekly briefing that there was lots of interest in a healthcare bot grant bill... - 2026 stock videos & royalty-free footage02:47Senator Graham press statement on healthcare block grant bill
general election 2015: low growth figures / impact on general election; 22.1.1972 / ulm2026 belgium: brussels: int prime minister edward heath mp... - 2026 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:19General Election 2015: Low growth figures / impact on General Election
labour shadow cabinet; england: london: westminster: cms giles radice intvw sof "there's the old balance -- vigorous party too." cms... - 2026 stock videos & royalty-free footage01:15Labour shadow cabinet
bloomington, indiana, usa: protesters organized by the grassroots group call to action gather to rally, before a "die-in," to represent those who... - 2026 stock videos & royalty-free footage01:55Monroe County NOW coordinator Brigitte Spencer speaks about how Planned Parenthood and birthcontrol for women in rural areas will be affected by the AHCA during a die in to protest the AHCA, which the Senate is expected to vote on this week, June 26, 2017
bloomington, indiana, usa: protesters organized by the grassroots group call to action gather to rally, before a "die-in," to represent those who... - 2026 stock videos & royalty-free footage02:07Sharon Smyth talks about having an incurable cancer and how her health benefits will be affected in an interview after a die in to protest the AHCA, which the Senate is expected to vote on this week, June 26, 2017
bloomington, indiana, usa: protesters organized by the grassroots group call to action gather to rally, before a "die-in," to represent those who... - 2026 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:16Protesters hold signs during a die in to protest the AHCA, which the Senate is expected to vote on this week, June 26, 2017
bloomington, indiana, usa: protesters organized by the grassroots group call to action gather to rally, before a "die-in," to represent those who... - 2026 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:07Protesters hold signs during a die in to protest the AHCA, which the Senate is expected to vote on this week, June 26, 2017
bloomington, indiana, usa: a woman is dressed like the grim reaper holds a sign reading, "rip preventative care," near the monroe county courthouse... - 2026 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:20A woman dressed at the Grim Reaper protests during a die in to protest the AHCA, which the Senate is expected to vote on this week, June 26, 2017
bloomington, indiana, usa: protesters organized by the grassroots group call to action gather to rally, before a "die-in," to represent those who... - 2026 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:16Protesters hold signs during a die in to protest the AHCA, which the Senate is expected to vote on this week, June 26, 2017
bloomington, indiana, usa: protesters organized by the grassroots group call to action gather to rally, before a "die-in," to represent those who... - 2026 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:30Protesters lay on the grass with their signs during a die in to protest the AHCA, which the Senate is expected to vote on this week, June 26, 2017
bloomington, indiana, usa: protesters organized by the grassroots group call to action gather to rally, before a "die-in," to represent those who... - 2026 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:13A woman dressed at the Grim Reaper protests during a die in to protest the AHCA, which the Senate is expected to vote on this week, June 26, 2017
bloomington, indiana, usa: protesters organized by the grassroots group call to action gather to rally, before a "die-in," to represent those who... - 2026 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:20Protesters lay on the grass with their signs during a die in to protest the AHCA, which the Senate is expected to vote on this week, June 26, 2017
bloomington, indiana, usa: protesters organized by the grassroots group call to action gather to rally, before a "die-in," to represent those who... - 2026 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:18Protesters lay on the grass with their signs during a die in to protest the AHCA, which the Senate is expected to vote on this week, June 26, 2017
bloomington, indiana, usa: protesters organized by the grassroots group call to action gather to rally, before a "die-in," to represent those who... - 2026 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:11Protesters lay on the grass with their signs during a die in to protest the AHCA, which the Senate is expected to vote on this week, June 26, 2017
bloomington, indiana, usa: protesters organized by the grassroots group call to action gather to rally, before a "die-in," to represent those who... - 2026 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:18A man holds a sign reading, "Thanks to Ryan millions will be dyin!!!!"during a die in to protest the AHCA, which the Senate is expected to vote on this week, June 26, 2017
bloomington, indiana, usa: protesters organized by the grassroots group call to action gather to rally, before a "die-in," to represent those who... - 2026 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:19A woman holds a sign reading, "The Rich Get Richer The poor get sicker," during a die in to protest the AHCA, which the Senate is expected to vote on this week, June 26, 2017
bloomington, indiana, usa: protesters organized by the grassroots group call to action gather to rally, before a "die-in," to represent those who... - 2026 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:29A protesters holds a sign reading, "Trump Lied, I Died," during a die in to protest the AHCA, which the Senate is expected to vote on this week, June 26, 2017
bloomington, indiana, usa: protesters organized by the grassroots group call to action gather to rally, before a "die-in," to represent those who... - 2026 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:14A man holds a sign referring to Medicaid benefits during a die in to protest the AHCA, which the Senate is expected to vote on this week, June 26, 2017
conservative party conference 2009: george osborne speech; george osborne speech continues sot - here's one more part of the modern conservative... - 2026 stock videos & royalty-free footage03:17Conservative Party conference 2009: George Osborne speech
ken livingstone seeks nomination to become candidate for london mayor; england: london: croydon: ext ken livingstone talking to people in high street... - 2026 stock videos & royalty-free footage02:55Ken Livingstone seeks nomination to become candidate for London Mayor
afghan children injured in war; afghanistan: kabul: int benasha, little girl who lost her legs, sitting on bed: stumps: benasha laughing and chatting... - 2026 stock videos & royalty-free footage09:43Afghan children injured in war
defence reservations: 20; cr347 w germany: defence reservations: 2026.5.89 itn exterior w germany: gottlingen: 02:40 soldiers on duty at entrance to... - 2026 stock videos & royalty-free footage01:04W GERMANY: Defence reservations: 20
el presidente de la fifa gianni infantino prometio el sabado que invertira en el despegue del futbol cubano con miras a que pueda llegar al mundial... - 2026 stock videos & royalty-free footage01:37VOICED : Infantino quiere invertir en sueno mundialista de futbol cubano
interview with brian barwick, the new chairman of liverpool's bid to host the commonwealth games. - 2026 stock videos & royalty-free footage01:47Brian Barwick on Liverpool's bid for the Commonwealth Games
las federaciones de futbol de mexico estados unidos y canada anunciaron el lunes una propuesta para organizar entre los tres paises la copa del mundo... - 2026 stock videos & royalty-free footage01:27VOICED : EEUU, Mexico y Canada van por Mundial-2026
the united states, mexico and canada announce a joint bid to stage the 2026 world cup aiming to become the first three way co-hosts in the history of... - 2026 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:25CLEAN : Football: US, Mexico, Canada in joint bid for 2026 World Cup
estados unidos mexico y canada anunciaron el lunes una oferta comun para organizar la copa del mundo de 2026 que convertiria a esos paises en los... - 2026 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:24VOICED : URGENTE: EEUU Mexico y Canada proponen organizar Mundial-2026
the new african football confederation president ahmad ahmad says he is convinced morocco will be able to organise the world cup in 2026 in a press... - 2026 stock videos & royalty-free footage01:21CLEAN : Football: CAF president convinced Morocco can organise WC
isolated after eu summit veto; 22.1.1972 / ulm2026 belgium: brussels: int edward heath mp signing 1972 treaty of accession to the common market ends - 2026 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:10Eurozone debt crisis: UK isolated after EU summit veto
david cameron faces rebellion on eu referendum; 22.1.1972 / ulm2026 belgium: brussels: **heath speaking overlaid sot** edward heath signing 1972... - 2026 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:07David Cameron faces rebellion on EU referendum
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corruption scandal: bidding for 2026 world cup rights suspended; england: london: damian collins mp interview sot - 2026 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:20FIFA Corruption scandal: Bidding for 2026 World Cup rights suspended
corruption scandal: bidding for 2026 world cup rights suspended; t07061502 / tx trinidad and tobago: various shots of jack warner sitting behind... - 2026 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:09FIFA Corruption scandal: Bidding for 2026 World Cup rights suspended
el mundial-2026 que se disputara con 48 equipos, frente a los 32 de las ediciones de 2018 y 2022 permitira a mas países soñar dijo el martes el... - 2026 stock videos & royalty-free footage01:27VOICED : Infantino: Mas paises podran sonar con la Copa del Mundo
el presidente de la fifa gianni infantino afirmo el miercoles en dubai que no se comportara como un dictador en las discusiones sobre su propuesta de... - 2026 stock videos & royalty-free footage01:18VOICED : Infantino no sera un dictador sobre ampliacion del Mundial
el mundial de 2026 se disputara entre 40 o 32 selecciones como se hace actualmente? la fifa tomara la decision en enero de 2017 mientras que su... - 2026 stock videos & royalty-free footage01:13VOICED : La FIFA decidira en enero cambios para Mundial 2026
in an exclusive interview fifa chief gianni infantino tells afp the bidding process for the 2026 world cup will be bulletproof and transparent and... - 2026 stock videos & royalty-free footage02:54CLEAN : Infantino promises bulletproof 2026 World Cup bidding process
in an exclusive interview fifa chief gianni infantino tells afp the bidding process for the 2026 world cup will be bulletproof and transparent and... - 2026 stock videos & royalty-free footage02:54CLEAN : Infantino promises bulletproof 2026 World Cup bidding process
tailgate party tents w/ cars parked fg, people, football fans walking bg & near tents. - 2026 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:122026 GAME DAY: COLUMBUS, OHIO: 1080i HD
new fifa president gianni infantino reiterated at a press conference in uruguay that he is in favor of increasing the number of teams participating... - 2026 stock videos & royalty-free footage02:20CLEAN : FIFA president expects 40 teams for 2026 World Cup
el presidente de la fifa gianni infantino indico el martes en montevideo que es favorable a aumentar a 40 el numero de selecciones que participan en... - 2026 stock videos & royalty-free footage00:51VOICED : Infantino espera que en Mundial 2026 haya 40 selecciones
tennis player venus williams plays tennis with turkish players ipek soylu and cagla buyukakcay on the bosphorus bridge in istanbul, turkey on july... - 2026 stock videos & royalty-free footage02:23TEB BNP Paribas Istanbul Cup